About Jargyle
Jargyle is a Java SOCKS5 API and server that can use SSL/TLS for TCP traffic, can use DTLS for UDP traffic, and can perform SOCKS5 server chaining. It is inspired by JSocks, SocksLib, Esocks and Dante.
Warning: Jargyle is not production ready. The user guide is complete, but the reference documentation and the Javadocs are incomplete. Breaking changes may occur, but any existing documentation will be updated to reflect the changes.
Page Contents
Client API Example
package com.example;
import com.github.jh3nd3rs0n.jargyle.client.HostResolver;
import com.github.jh3nd3rs0n.jargyle.client.NetObjectFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.DatagramSocket;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
public class ClientApp {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
* Configure the SOCKS client through system properties.
* Set the URI of the SOCKS server for the SOCKS client to
* connect.
"socksClient.socksServerUri", "socks5://jargyle.net:8080");
* Enable SSL/TLS for TCP traffic between the SOCKS client
* and the SOCKS server.
System.setProperty("socksClient.ssl.enabled", "true");
System.setProperty("socksClient.ssl.trustStoreFile", "jargyle.jks");
System.setProperty("socksClient.ssl.trustStorePassword", "password");
* Enable DTLS for UDP traffic between the SOCKS client and
* the SOCKS server.
System.setProperty("socksClient.dtls.enabled", "true");
System.setProperty("socksClient.dtls.trustStoreFile", "jargyle.jks");
System.setProperty("socksClient.dtls.trustStorePassword", "password");
* Use only the SOCKS5 username password authentication
* method as the SOCKS5 authentication method of choice.
System.setProperty("socksClient.socks5.methods", "USERNAME_PASSWORD");
System.setProperty("socksClient.socks5.userpassmethod.username", "Aladdin");
System.setProperty("socksClient.socks5.userpassmethod.password", "opensesame");
* Have the HostResolver resolve host names from the SOCKS5 server
* instead of having the HostResolver resolve host names from the
* local system.
* Create networking objects whose traffic would be routed
* through the SOCKS server based on the system properties
* above. If no system properties for configuring the SOCKS
* client were provided, the created networking objects
* would be ordinary networking objects.
NetObjectFactory netObjectFactory = NetObjectFactory.newInstance();
* Example of creating a HostResolver and a Socket
HostResolver hostResolver = netObjectFactory.newHostResolver();
InetAddress inetAddress = hostResolver.resolve("google.com");
Socket socket = netObjectFactory.newSocket(inetAddress, 443);
* Example of creating a ServerSocket
ServerSocket serverSocket = netObjectFactory.newServerSocket(443);
* Example of creating a DatagramSocket
DatagramSocket datagramSocket = netObjectFactory.newDatagramSocket(4444);
// ...
Server API Example
package com.example;
import com.github.jh3nd3rs0n.jargyle.server.Configuration;
import com.github.jh3nd3rs0n.jargyle.server.Setting;
import com.github.jh3nd3rs0n.jargyle.server.Settings;
import com.github.jh3nd3rs0n.jargyle.server.SocksServer;
import java.io.IOException;
public class ServerApp {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new SocksServer(Configuration.newUnmodifiableInstance(Settings.of(
"port", "8080"),
* Enable SSL/TLS for TCP traffic between the SOCKS
* server and the clients.
"ssl.enabled", "true"),
"ssl.keyStoreFile", "server.jks"),
"ssl.keyStorePassword", "drowssap"),
* Enable DTLS for UDP traffic between the SOCKS server
* and the clients.
"dtls.enabled", "true"),
"dtls.keyStoreFile", "server.jks"),
"dtls.keyStorePassword", "drowssap"),
* Use only the SOCKS5 username password authentication
* method as the SOCKS5 authentication method of choice.
"socks5.methods", "USERNAME_PASSWORD"),
Command Line Example
jargyle start-server \
--setting=port=8080 \
--setting=ssl.enabled=true \
--setting=ssl.keyStoreFile=server.jks \
--setting=ssl.keyStorePassword=drowssap \
--setting=dtls.enabled=true \
--setting=dtls.keyStoreFile=server.jks \
--setting=dtls.keyStorePassword=drowssap \
--setting=socks5.methods=USERNAME_PASSWORD \
The client API has the following features:
- Use SSL/TLS for TCP traffic between itself and SOCKS5 servers
- Use DTLS for UDP traffic between itself and SOCKS5 servers
- Resolve host names from SOCKS5 servers that handle the SOCKS5 RESOLVE request
- Route traffic through a specified chain of SOCKS5 servers
The server API and the server have the following features:
- Use SSL/TLS for TCP traffic between itself and clients
- Use DTLS for UDP traffic between itself and clients
- Chain to specified chains of SOCKS servers
- Use SSL/TLS for TCP traffic between itself and SOCKS5 servers
- Use DTLS for UDP traffic between itself and SOCKS5 servers
- Resolve host names for clients from the local system or from SOCKS5 servers that handle the SOCKS5 RESOLVE request
The server API and the server also have a rule system that allows you to manage traffic in the following ways:
- Allow or deny traffic
- Allow a limited number of simultaneous instances of traffic
- Route traffic through a selection of specified chains of SOCKS servers
- Redirect the desired destination
- Configure sockets
- Configure relay settings
- Limit relay bandwidth